Photo by Blue Bird

Major Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your Home

To upgrade or not is a major question many homeowners ask themselves at one point in time or another. You may want to upgrade your home for many reasons, such as enhancing luxury or boosting your property’s value. While these two are normal, the top three reasons, in no particular order, are to stop deterioration, provide for an expanding family, and sell. Real estate reports indicate that 80% of US homes are twenty years old and may require upgrades soon. If you’re still unsure when to do yours, here are some signs to look for.

It lacks functionality or no longer meets your needs

How functional is your home? Experts say a home that can accommodate occupants’ lifestyles and personal abilities is functional. In other words, a house that satisfies your immediate needs without much restriction is functional. However, as the years go by, things change, and so do your needs. At that point, you would wish your house had other features or installations incorporated into the construction. That is when you can say that your home is lacking functionality. For example, if you built or purchased a house when you were younger, mobility fixtures might be needed as you enter your senior years. Your house may not have a designated area for a home office conversion. Another way your home may lack functionality is when you have a growing family that requires more space. These different scenarios give an idea of the many ways your home can lack functionality and, more importantly, prompt an upgrade.

Your home is outdated

An outdated home is usually 40 years and over. Indeed, every house will deteriorate at some point, but it will require significant repairs and upgrades especially after four decades. Moreover, an outdated home will start to affect energy consumption, leading to higher utility bills. Sometimes, an outdated window is the culprit making your home lose so much heat in winter and cool air in the summer. When you see this happening, replacing any defective windows during the home upgrade is best. Research reveals that you could save up to 15% on your energy bills just by replacing your windows with energy-efficient ones. Suppose you’re exploring various options to determine the best choice for your home. In that case, check out a vinyl replacement window buying guide for ideas.

Your home has safety concerns

Are there visible signs of foundation damage to your house? Are there leaks through the roofing when it snows or rains? There may be signs of mold on the upper parts of your walls, especially in the attic. Additionally, if you notice a gradual warping of your wood flooring or your light switches are warm or hot to the touch, it may be time for an upgrade. Some of these problems can be isolated and easily attended to. Others, however, require breaking down most of your walls to repair. With the latter, it would help to upgrade the entire home if you can afford it. Even if you can’t, a gradual upgrade can work out just fine. It would help if you did not ignore these safety concerns because they cost you more money than an upgrade would.


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