SoBe Summer Friday Finale.

Sobe Summer Fridays Finale was SICK! Free mani and pedi’s, free food, free drinks, games, DJ Cassidy…the list goes on. If you live in NYC you know that this was the event t be at on Friday August 7, 2009. I hung out with my homies Rae Holliday and Gabe from Stuff Fly People Like, Pervis & Coco from Cool Cruel World. We had a great time! Talib killed his performance. As for Anjulie….SMH IDK. Cassie made a quick appearance. This list for this event was the who’s who of the NYC social/industry scene. Check out the photos below.

Rae Holliday ( and I (Phaon Spurlock)


Coltrane Curtis (Epiphany Media) responsible for SoBe Summer Fridays NYC
SoBe Lizard was going IN!
Talib Kweli (Video Below)
Cassie made an appearance


Retro Kids
DJ Cassidy
Kelly Browning (Ralph Lauren) and I (Phaon Spurlock)