Millennials are shaking up the philanthropic world and they aren’t doing it with tea, petit fours and waltzes.

On Thursday February 1, 2018, the Yellowstone Forever Young Patrons Benefit took place at LAVO in Midtown Manhattan. This popular night club was filled with a mass of young patrons, eager to give back to the Yellowstone Foundation, dance and share a drink with like-minded guests.

DJ Lenny Emery kept the 20-30 something’s dancing through the duration of the event with the latest hip-hop and pop tracks. This was unlike most New York City benefits. The atmosphere was lively, current and appropriate for the audience.

We all love to get dressed up and go to fancy benefits, balls or galas, but there is nothing wrong with switching out the waltz with the wobble, as long as you are there to give back and to enjoy yourself. We can definitely say that the Yellowstone Young Patrons knows their audience and they are a group of engaging, fun and active young philanthropists.

To top off the fun-filled night, guests headed over to Avenue for the official after party.

The benefit was co-chaired by Arielle Patrick, Jackie Rooney and Alice Ryan who raised over $70,000! This money will go to towards preserving Yellowstone Park.

The sponsors of the evening were Stella Artois, Archer Roose Wine, Yellowstone Whisky, Ilegal Mezcal, Cisco Vodka and the Tao Group.