While you may well be a highly experienced driver, when you take your vehicle off road, it is an entirely different experience and one that you need to make sure that you are fully ready for. Not only is it important to prepare the vehicle itself, but you also need to make sure that you know what you are letting yourself in for as well. Here are just a few of the mistakes that you need to sidestep.
Not considering the difficulty of the terrain
When people have not driven off-road much, they can assume that it will be exactly the same as driving on a road. However, there are all sorts of differences that need to be taken into account. The surface is usually not as smooth and there are often steep inclines and obstacles that you may not encounter on the road. If you are totally inexperienced, you are much better off going out on some shorter trips ahead of time rather than throwing yourself in at the deep end before you are ready.
Not taking the right vehicle
As well as preparing yourself from a skills point of view, you also need to do more to ensure that the vehicle is fully and properly ready. Ideally, this will mean taking out an SUV, 4×4 or something similar. It may be that you already have a vehicle that you would like to upgrade for off road driving. In this case, it is a good idea to check out Central Alps Off-Road Shop to see how you can go about getting these improvements.
Not packing the right gear
Both overpacking and underpacking are potential problems that you will need to avoid as far as possible. If you pack too much stuff in the vehicle, this is going to weigh it down and make it much harder to properly control. At the other end of the scale, if you don’t pack the essentials, this could be potentially dangerous if you encounter any problems along the way. For example, you need to bring plenty of food and water in case you have a breakdown. You also need to have a spare tire, phone charger and a repair kit to help you patch it up if required.
Not checking water crossing depths
It is more than likely that you are going to need to cross some water somewhere along the way on an off road trip. However, a lot of people fail to check the depth before they go. The last thing you want to happen is to find yourself getting stranded. If you are at all unsure, you are better off getting out and properly checking the depth rather than risking a potentially dangerous cross where you could get stuck.
Avoiding all four of these common mistakes will make for a much more successful off road trip. If you are going to have one takeaway, it is to make sure that both you and the vehicle are fully ready for what is ahead.